Former CIA spy Christina Hillsberg chats with Trey Elling on LICENSE TO PARENT: HOW MY CAREER AS A SPY HELPED ME RAISE RESOURCEFUL, SELF-SUFFICIENT KIDS. Questions include:
- How did she end up working in the Central Intelligence Agency? (01:12)
- Is there a good way to teach kids how to improvise for becoming better prepared? (11:53)
- What is ‘getting off the X’? (12:51)
- Why is it important for kids to avoid predictability in being aware of their surroundings? (17:35)
- What is ‘you, me, same same’? (23:12)
- How has Christina opened her kids’ eyes to the world to help build rapport with others? (26:22)
- Why are analytic lead sentences important for teaching children written communication skills? (32:34)
- Are there good ways to moderate technology with little kids? (37:18)