Meet Your Host
As an athlete, Trey peaked between the ages of five and twelve. His highlight reel includes an unassisted triple play in tee-ball (none of the other kids could catch or throw), a goal scored from midfield in youth soccer (his nickname at the time was ‘Trey-le’, inspired by the great soccer playing a-hole Pele), and the first three-point shot made in Dan F Long Junior High School history (just blind luck, really, playing in the first game after the line had been painted).
In moving from junior high to high school in DFW suburbia, Trey became a fat kid and then a licensed driver, He also discovered a new radio station in town that appealed to his sports-loving sensibilities…1310 The Ticket. ALL sports? ALL the time? Trey was hooked. As his car-owning friends blasted music when driving around town, Trey blasted sports radio, much to the chagrin of his buddies.
High school turned into college. And with college came excessive drinking. But all the while, Trey never lost sight of that desire to work in sports radio. At the age of 21, that dream became a reality, when he was hired as a promotions intern at an Austin radio cluster which included 1300 The Zone. On top of working hard on the promotions side of things, Trey would hang around a Zone producer at the time who helped teach him the basics of the job.
As is the case with much of life, Trey’s earliest on-air opportunities were a result of doors opening in the right place at the right time. His first show to produce was ‘Bucky and Erin’, at the time airing weekdays from 1-3pm. His very first day as B&E’s producer, Trey ran out of gas on the highway, requiring him to run to a Chevron and back with a gas can in hand. Somehow, he made it to his shift on time.
But running with a full gas can in hand for a half-mile has its consequences. Trey’s legs were soaked in gasoline. And he brought that smell into the station with him, at a time when the producer was in the same room as the hosts. Needless to say, Bucky and Erin sounded like they were high on gas fumes that afternoon.
Fast forward more than 20 years…through stops in Austin, Oregon, Chicago (drink up), and back to Austin, Trey turned that sports radio dream into a reality, first on 104.9 The Horn as a co-host on Midday with Trey & BK and then as one half of Shirts & Skins with Chad & Trey. And currently as host of The Night Talker from 10-11pm on 102.7 ESPN Austin, where he satirizes sports, chats with interesting guests from all walks of life, and points out why we as a people are failing.
Funny thing about chasing dreams….doing so often spawns new dreams. Trey’s journey fostered another broadcasting passion…conducting interviews. That, along with his love for reading, are at the foundation of his podcast, Books on Pod, where he speaks with authors, comedians, & filmmakers, about their stories. The topics range well beyond sports. But if you listen to Trey’s esoteric viewpoint, you probably could’ve guessed that.
When Trey is not broadcasting, he’s spending time with his beautiful wife, daughter & son, or playing sand volleyball.